new release is live
July 6, 2023

Transfer 1.2 is live!

Today our team is very happy to announce the release of Transfer 1.2!

We've been working hard to introduce new features and are excited to share our most important updates: adding the BNB Smart Chain network and multichain experience for our users, login via email and Google, draft invoices and more! You can read our update below, but for those of you who are really not patient - go straight to our Transfer app and try out all the new features yourself!

Dear Transfer users - please meet the BNB Smart Chain!

Our users asked us to expand beyond Ethereum, we delivered! Starting with this release, Transfer supports the almighty BNB Smart Chain with its crazy low fees and crazy fast settlement times.

With Transfer 1.2, you can:

  • Start accepting revenue, donations and any payments in your favorite BEP-20 tokens - BNB, BUSD, USDC, USDT and more! It literally takes seconds to select BNB as your network and add the corresponding BEP-20 tokens.
  • Simply add your preferred existing wallets to Transfer and start accepting payments. Whether it's a non-custodial wallet like Metamask or Trustwallet, or a CEX account like Binance, the experience for your clients will be amazing with our clean, easy to share and professional looking invoices (and that's what we care about!).
  • Accept both Ethereum and BNB tokens? Enjoy the best of both worlds - choose both networks and give your customers the flexibility to pay with the token they prefer. If that's not a win-win, what is?
cross-chain & on-chain swaps and payments

Now we are multichain. What does that mean?

The most fundamental improvement is that we introduced on-chain and cross-chain currency swaps – we enable Ethereum to BNB swaps (natives and tokens) via our partners - Symbiosis and OpenOcean!
  • Step 1: You select the preferred networks and currencies you want to accept when you invoice.
  • Step 2: Your clients can pay the invoice with ANY ERC-20 or BEP-20 token of their choice - they don't need to leave the invoice page, all the magic happens right inside the Transfer invoice page once they connect their wallet to pay. And you get what you want.

The embedded swapping within Transfer is powered by our beloved fully decentralized partners, (already powering over 250k cross-chain swaps!) and (almost 1 million users strong!). So Transfer remains completely non-custodial and decentralized. That's the web3 spirit!

Thanks to our partners' multi-chain payments and the intuitive design of our invoices, your clients can enjoy a seamless payment experience with Transfer. One more reason for your clients to love you. Another reason for higher payment conversions for your business. One more reason for you to forget about requesting payments by sharing your wallet address in a chat!
transfer, symbiosis, openocean
We have a list of networks to add next, so stay tuned - with just 2 networks we already cover over 50% of the tokens used for transaction settlement. And we will soon take that number to 95%+, so you will never have to argue with your client about it!
email and google integrations

Going beyond Telegram: Email and Google authentication is now live!

We are building a product that can be used by teams large and small, and email was on our list of frequent requests. So here we are - you can now sign in with your email or Google account and receive notifications via email. This is the first step in building a great experience for teams working together in Transfer.

More features to save you time so you can focus on what really matters - growing your business!

We've added more features to make your life easier:

  • You can now copy and modify invoices instead of creating new ones from scratch, so Transfer saves even more of your precious time.
  • Draft invoices, if you have created an invoice you want to send later
  • Our invoices are now even clearer and easier to read (hats off to our chief design wizard Alex).

And don't forget our ultra-smooth workflow for creating, sharing and paying invoices, notifications, dashboards and up-to-date currency rates (so keeping track of your income and expenses will never be a problem again) - well, isn't that a reason to start using Transfer in your business right now?

Stay tuned for our next release!

We are so thankful to our team who have worked day and night to make this release happen, and continue to push forward to make our vision a reality. We want to make Transfer the perfect tool to enable crypto for all kinds of businesses. We have so many features in our roadmap and look forward to sharing more news with you soon!

Check out Transfer for yourself, and a friendly reminder - we are now completely free!

About Symbiosis

about symbiosis
Symbiosis is a cross-chain AMM DEX that pools together liquidity from different networks: L1s and L2s, EVM and non-EVM. With Symbiosis, you can easily swap any token and move your assets across different networks. For more info visit

About OpenOcean

about openocean
OpenOcean is the DEX aggregator, integrating the most liquidity sources across a wide range of blockchains into one seamless trading interface, to bring users the best swap return for decentralized crypto trading. For more info visit